Climate Change

Best Climate Change Podcasts

Best climate change podcasts

The top climate change podcasts, from lowdowns on living a greener life to podcasts that inspire and inform about sustainability.

Climate change acronym quiz 2

Climate Change Acronym Quiz

Are you a climate champion? Think you know your NDCs from your IPCC? Prove it and take the Climate Change Acronym Quiz now!

The Climate Justice Playbook for Business

5 key takeaways from the Climate Justice Playbook

The Climate Justice Playbook for Business provides insights, guidance, and case studies of companies that are seeking to advance climate justice in their operations, supply chains, and in the communities they impact.

Best Climate Change Newsletters

Best Climate Change Newsletters

The best climate change newsletters to subscribe to. Keep on top of important breaking climate news, articles and developments from your inbox.

Climate Change and Sustainability Events Calendar

The Climate Change and Sustainability Events Calendar is a comprehensive guide to sustainability events, conferences and awareness days for professionals working in the sustainability and green living sector, who are looking for events and conferences to attend.

Empower at Climate Week New York

Climate Week New York is taking place and the Empower team are there for the second year running, with several of our clients making key announcements during the event. Here’s what took place.