Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Agency for Charities, Nonprofits and Public Sector

Empower is rated as a leading Google Analytics (GA4) agency for Charities, Nonprofits and Public Sector organisations

The Empower team are consistently rated as one of the best Google Analytics 4 agencies for charities and nonprofits. Trust us to save you time and worry when it comes to setting up your Google Analytics 4.

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) Agency for Charities, Nonprofits and Public Sector.png

Causes that trust our Google Analytics 4 expertise

Empower have supports organisations big and small, across global markets with their Google Analytics 4 setup and managemnet.

How Google Analytics 4 can benefit your organisation

Your cause can benefit from Google Analytics campaigns that create greater brand awareness and improved engagement for your high-value content.

Understand website visits

See where relevant traffic come from to reach your website.

Measure your success

Track your entire Return On Investment. We can help you measure impact through Google Analytics 4.

Increase supporter income

Get more online conversions including regular and on-off donors, essential for generating income on a regular basis.

A trusted Google Analytics 4 Agency for Charities and Nonprofits

Using a trusted Google Analytics 4 agency allows you to put your products, services and campaigns in front of potential supporters at the time they are making key decisions.

Honest, straightforward advice

We work with you to create high performing results-driven insights focussed on delivering impact, not just clicks.

Friendly team driving proven results

As an award-winning digital agency, you know your campaigns are in good hands with Empower.

Empower’s Google Analytics Management Services

Using Empower Agency’s strategies and processes, we continuously improve your use of Google Analytics 4.

Strategy & Planning

  • Google Analytics 4 Strategy
  • Google Analytics 4 Audits
  • Audience insights

Dashboard Development

  • Custom GA4 dashboard development
  • Audience dashboard development
  • Paid Media Campaign Integration

Implementation & Optimisation

  • Google Analytics 4 Setup
  • Conversion Rate Optimisation
  • Customer Journey Optimisation
  • Landing Page Optimisation

Measurement, Evaluation & Reporting

  • Google Analytcis 4 Setup
  • Google Tag Manager Integration
  • Campaign Reporting
  • Performance Reviews

An example Google Analytics 4 project

Empower work with you to fully understand your organisation, your supporters, and your unique selling points. 

Focusing on these aspects of your organisation, along with our professional client servicing, is what makes Empower Agency a leading Google Analytics 4 agency.

1. GA4 setup & planning
Get detailed step-by-step Google Ad recommendations for your campaign.

2. Dashboard Development
We’ll research your target audiences, design engaging creative, write compelling copy and develop effective landing pages for you.

3. Implementation & Optimisation
We can help you with full set up of Google Analytics dashboards, optimising and scaling for long-term success.

4. Measurement & Evaluation
Get detailed step-by-step Google Analytics 4 recommendations for what is working and what can be improved, including the Return on Ad Spend.

A note from the Empower founder

We partner with you to create high performing results-driven analytics dashboards, focussed on delivering donations and supporters, not just clicks.

With the use of Google Analytics 4, we can make improvements to your visibility and overall online presence.

We’ll make sure you’re generating positive returns on your investment in Google Analytics 4 projects.

Empower can help you:

  • Save time when setting up Google Analytics 4
  • Increase traffic to your websites
  • Drive down cost per acquisition
  • Increase conversions for your key call to action
  • Understand how Google Analytics 4 work without the jargon

In the past few years, we’ve helped charities drive thousands of visitors and made hundreds of conversions.  

We’d love for you to work with Empower for your next Google Analytics 4 project.

Ben Matthews

Ben Matthews

Co-Founder, Empower Agency

Book your free Google Ads consultation

If you are looking to grow your Google Ads performance, Empower are the agency that will deliver real results for you. Contact us now for a free Google Ads consultation.

Google Ads FAQs

Empower are a paid social media and Google advertising agency that specialise in generating ROI through Google ads management for nonprofits and charities.

Google ads have the opportunity to become a key part of your digital marketing strategy, reaching new and existing audiences at a cost-effective rate. Using your existing campaigns and simple testing, we will quickly gauge your target audience and use the data to drive results.

Got a question about Empower’s Google Ads management services? Get your answer in our Google Ads FAQs.

What is Google Ads?

Google Ads (formerly Google AdWords and Google AdWords Express) is an online advertising solution that businesses use to promote their products and services on Google Search, YouTube and other sites across the web. Google Ads also allows advertisers to choose specific goals for their ads, like driving phone calls or website visits.

With a Google Ads account, advertisers can customise their budgets and targeting, and start or stop their ads at any time.
Google AdWords and Google AdWords Express are the previous names for the new, improved Google Ads.

How does Google Ads Work?

Google Ads works by displaying your ad when people search online for the products and services you offer. By leveraging smart technology, Google Ads helps get your ads in front of potential customers at just the moment they’re ready to take action.

Here’s how it works:

  • You start by selecting your goal, like getting more visitors to your website or more phone calls to your business.
  • Next you select the geographic area where your ad should be shown. It can be a small radius around your business or much broader, like cities, counties or entire countries.
  • Finally, you’ll craft your ad and set your monthly budget cap.
  • Once your ad is approved, it can appear whenever users in your target area search for a product or service like yours. You only pay when users engage with your ad, like clicking your ad or calling your organisation – and you pay nothing if you have the Google Ad Grant!

Why Google Ads?

Google is by far the biggest and most popular search engine in the world and Google Ads is the perfect tool to allow advertisers to connect with their users.

We offer several Google Advertising solutions to suit your exact campaign requirements and budget.

Find Your Audience Using Google Ads

Finding your customers through Google’s advertising may seem like looking for needles in the world’s largest online haystack, but your customers aren’t hiding out there in a fog of a billion users.

You have to identify and segment audiences and appeal to them directly in ways that resonate on an individual level.

It’s knowing this that helps us deliver  profitable Google Ads campaigns for our clients.

Generate Google Advertising ROI

Google traffic is unlikely to convert on their first visit to your site, so focussed measurement and cross-channel attribution is essential when it comes to calculating the true ROI of your Google Ads spend.

To help with this, whatever analytics you use we can help make sense of the data and give you accurate, clear ROI reports.

What are the different types of Google Ads

  • Search Network campaigns – usually text form, these ads can show on Google Search results pages when someone searches for a product or service that’s similar to your
  • Display Network campaigns – usually image form, these ads appear on websites or apps that your customers visit.
  • Video campaigns – usually 6 or 15 second videos, these ads show right before or during YouTube content

What is CPC (Cost Per Click) or PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising?

CPC (Cost Per Click) or PPC (Pay Per Click) means you only pay for an ad if someone clicks on it. Other advertising models include:

  • Cost Per Impression, where you pay based on how many times your ad was shown (not clicked)
  • Cost Per Engagement, where you pay when a user completes a predefined engagement (like watching your video ad)

How do I start advertising on Google?

To get started with Google Ads, click here to sign up. Our guided set-up process will walk you through creating your first ad in just a few steps. If you need help signing up, our Google Ads experts are available to set up your new account and even assist in creating your first campaign at no additional cost.

Google Ad Grants Account Setup

We have published a guide to setting up your Google Ad Grants account, but if you don’t have time or are not sure where to begin, contact empower and we can do the set up for you.

Google Ad Grants Account Compliance

Google Ad Grants has introduced new compliance rules that make it harder for charities to manage and keep their grant active. If your Google Ads account has been suspended due to non-compliance, then empower can help you get the account activated again. Contact empower for details or take a look at our Google Ads Grant compliance checklist.

What’s the different between Google Ads and Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

SEO is a longer term game and involves the correct set up of your website and online presence, ultimately to bring you more organic search and referral traffic. You don’t pay for this traffic, but you’ll pay with time and money getting it right.

SEO should always be an important element of your digital marketing mix, and it’s often overlooked and underestimated by both organisations and web developers.

Google Ads is a fast way of bringing in targeted traffic to your website. It is fast to set up, and a far faster way to generate the traffic than SEO

Both are ongoing investments, but you’ll only pay for AdWords clicks when people are interested in your product (generally).

With SEO you have to invest before you get the traffic. With Google AdWords, you generally only pay when people click through to your website.

Both are important.

Certain SEO elements will help improve the quality of your AdWords campaigns.

It is important to understand that running paid advertising with Google will not make any difference to your organic search rankings, although it may improve the click through rate of your organic listings (due to searchers subtly seeing your brand in an advert before scrolling down).

Can’t we just run Google Ads in-house?

Usually when we hear this opinion of Google Ads, the root cause is due to either running campaigns in house without the appropriate knowledge, or having a bad experience with a “pile ’em high, sell them cheap with hard sales call tactics” type agency.

Running an AdWords campaign without knowing how to use the platform can be a recipe for not getting the results you’d like.

What’s involved in setting up a Google Ads campaign?

Setting up an AdWords campaign is quite complicated if you are doing it well, and involves a good knowledge of the platform. It’s not just clicking a few buttons.

Setting up a new campaign involves the following, and more :

  • Understanding your advertising objectives
  • Understanding your products and profitability of them
  • Deciding which campaign types are most appropriate
  • Keyword research
  • Creating the correct campaign structure to drive down costs
  • Your campaign ideas may result in several AdWords campaigns being created to be more effective
  • Creating many ‘ad extensions’ to make your adverts more compelling
    Writing copy for many different adverts (It’s not uncommon for a ‘simple’ campaign to have 100’s of ad variations if done well)
  • Creating or providing input to several different banner adverts (if using display)
  • Setting up conversion tracking within Google Analytics
    (this can be simple, but can also be very time consuming)
  • Minor modifications to your website to allow conversion tracking
  • …and lots more.

This takes a lot of time, but ultimately it means your money will go further, and you’ll get better returns.

Why does a campaign need to be managed and optimised each month?

Your campaigns need to be managed and optimised regularly to make them work better over time, and allow you to expand on them.

This involves creating new ad groups and keywords, pausing ads or keywords that aren’t working, making suggestions about new campaigns, checking if the budget is adequate and making suggestions around where to increase it, ensuring your ads aren’t being shown for irrelevant keywords and lots more.

The advertising space isn’t static. There’s millions of calculations performed in a real time auction every time an ad is displayed. Optimising it means your campaigns will continue to improve and expand. Even if nothing was touched, and other advertisers started new campaigns, your results could be very different on a week to week or month to month basis.

Why do I need an agency to manage my Google Ads?

There are some great staff at Google but when you call the main helpline you are unlikely to get the same person.

If you do they have to help many people and will not be able to help with more detailed elements like tracking return on investment and discussing the best goals to set up in Analytics to measure.