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Google Analytics Glossary: Key Terms and Definitions

Google Analytics Glossary: Key Terms and Definitions

With this Google Analytics Glossary, we'll help you understand the most important terms and definitions.

With fundraising using Facebook Ads, the answer is in the algorithm

With fundraising using Facebook Ads, the answer is in the algorithm

Fundraising using Facebook Ads used to be all about interest targeting. But Facebook thinks their algorithm is better at finding donors than you. Here's why.

Charity Sector Glossary of Terms and Definitions

Charity Sector Glossary of Terms and Definitions

A handy charity glossary full of nonprofit terms and definitions. We hope this helps you decipher all the sector jargon!

Digital comms for climate change: Empower at Climate Week

Digital comms for climate change: Empower at Climate Week

A round up of what each of Empower's clime change clients got up to at Climate Week New York.

How to promote a charity website using digital marketing

How to promote a charity website using digital marketing

Here are the top digital marketing activities that small charities can undertake to promote their website.

SEO for Charities: How to get found online through Google Search

SEO for Charities: How to get found online through Google Search

SEO may be a dark art, but search engines help charities get seen online and drive traffic to their quality, relevant content. Here are our top tips to ensuring your SEO activity fulfils your charity's objectives.

Helping the Jo Cox Foundation and The Great Get Together reach thousands of communities across the UK

Helping the Jo Cox Foundation and The Great Get Together reach thousands of communities across the UK

Empower have supported the Jo Cox Foundation team in making The Great Get Together a unique event that reaches different groups and communities across the UK - and beyond.

How to amplify events using social media

How to amplify events using social media

Promoting your events on social media is a great opportunity to engage with fans and followers, reach new people and raise awareness of your brand. Here's how.

Congratulations to Empower’s Alice Rath, a Diana Award Recipient for 2020

Congratulations to Empower’s Alice Rath, a Diana Award Recipient for 2020

The Diana Award is the only charity set up in memory of Diana, Princess of Wales and her belief that young people have the power to change the world.  Their Anti-Bullying work encourages change in attitudes and behaviours for young people by young people, their Mentoring schemes guide change for some of the UK’s most […]

How digital marketing can help you reach your audience

How digital marketing can help you reach your audience

How can charities with limited resources and expertise help existing audiences understand the services they offer? That’s where digital marketing comes in.

Navigating AI concerns together

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