Diversity & Inclusion

Mental Health Awareness Week at Empower

Mental Health Awareness Week at Empower

Encouraging open conversations about mental health at work can help reduce the stigma that surrounds it and create a psychologically safe workplace for everyone. Check out what we did at Empower in support of Mental Health Awareness Week.

From blog post to panel host: My invite to attend the Empowering Civil Society Conference

From blog post to panel host: My invite to attend the Empowering Civil Society Conference

Bongi Kellner writers about her experience of talking openly around diversity, equality and inclusion issues, and how this leads to open and safe conversations.

Adopting the Halo Code – the UK’s first Black Hair code

Adopting the Halo Code – the UK’s first Black Hair code

It feels great to know that hair discrimination is not something someone will face at Empower - whether it’s as an employee, consultant or simply in an interview.

How Manual of Me helped us discover and share how we work best

How Manual of Me helped us discover and share how we work best

Find out how we've used Manuals of Me to work, understand, and engage with one another better as a remote-first team.

Social Media Accessibility: Tips for Creating Inclusive Channels

Social Media Accessibility: Tips for Creating Inclusive Channels

This inclusive social media guide explains how people with visual or hearing impairments use social media and what you can do to make your social media content more accessible.

How Empower are working to recruit a diverse workforce

How Empower are working to recruit a diverse workforce

Recruiting a diverse workforce is key. Here's what Empower are doing to improve our approach to diversity and equality.

Black Lives Matter and being an active ally

Black Lives Matter and being an active ally

Resources that the Empower team have been reading and sharing to become better allies in the move towards racial equality.

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