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The cosy web: Woods, webs, and why our online lives are changing

The cosy web: Woods, webs, and why our online lives are changing

The cosy web describes a vision for a more user-friendly, ethical, and decentralised version of the web.

Further, faster, fairer: using AI to enhance Empower’s work

Further, faster, fairer: using AI to enhance Empower’s work

We’re publishing this AI Manifesto to show what Empower believes in, how we ensure our use of AI is aligned with our core values, and how we will and won’t be using AI on your behalf.

“Do I have AI Anxiety?” Here’s what 200+ creatives told us

“Do I have AI Anxiety?” Here’s what 200+ creatives told us

We surveyed creatives on their use of generative AI. The results were enlightening. It’s clear that AI is becoming an everyday device in our creative toolkits.

AI and the future of work: Insights and Inspiration from GASP! Ireland

AI and the future of work: Insights and Inspiration from GASP! Ireland

Generative AI and the future of work for the creative industries.

AI Anxiety: Career concerns of the creative industries

AI Anxiety: Career concerns of the creative industries

Take part in our AI Anxiety research survey for people working in the creative indistries

Opening the door to AI: How our values guide our approach

Opening the door to AI: How our values guide our approach

As a values-led digital comms agency, we believe that AI can be used to augment and support the work of our human team members.

Start your project with Empower

If you’ve got a brief, we’d love to see it and talk it through with you.

If you haven’t, get in touch to see if we are a good fit for you.

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