Empower Agency Partner programme
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The social media agency that empowers you to change the world

We give you a unique blend of strategy, insight and analytics to empower you with engaging social media activity that helps you stand out over your competitors.


Julie Hulme

“Thank you very much for everything that you’ve done for us. It’s been fabulous. I’m feeling really excited about how social media can complement what we’re doing in the media team, and I don’t think we’ve really been thinking about it like that before. I’m getting as excited about this as I do about the media work, which is really good for me because I wasn’t a social media person. And if you ever want to send any potential clients our way, so that we can persuade them to say yes to you, then do that.”

Julie Hulme

Head of News and Planning, Joseph Rowntree Foundation

Social Media Case Studies

See how our social media campaigns empower causes like yours.

View all case studies

Empower’s Social Media Services

Make your campaigns work harder by using a trusted social media Agency.

Using Empower Agency’s strategies and processes, we continuously improve your social media results.

Speak to the Empower team

  • Social media strategy
  • Social media audits
  • Campaign Planning
  • Campaign Research
  • Audience insights

  • Audience insights
  • Community building
  • Creative Development
  • Copywriting
  • Video Editing

  • Campaign Setup
  • Campaign Optimisation
  • Customer Journey Optimisation
  • Landing Page Optimisation

  • Campaign Reporting
  • Performance Reviews

How social media can benefit your organisation

Your cause can benefit from social media campaigns that create greater brand awareness and improved engagement for your high-value content.

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Drive website visits

Get relevant traffic to your website from people who are looking for your products services.

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Measure your success

With our advanced strategies you can track your entire Return On Investment. This means we can measure success.

Increase donor income

Get more online conversions including regular and on-off donors, essential for generating income on a regular basis.

An example social media strategy

Empower work with you to fully understand your organisation, your processes, and your unique social media challenges.

As a social media agency specialising in charities and nonprofits, we develop social media strategies that focus on all aspects of your organisation.

Along with our professional client servicing, that’s what makes Empower Agency a leading digital strategy agency.


Red star

Campaign strategy and planning

Get detailed step-by-step social media recommendations for your campaign.

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Implementation and Optimisation

We can help you with full set up of social media campaigns, optimising and scaling the campaign for long-term success.

Green tick

Measurement and Evaluation

Get detailed step-by-step social media recommendations for what is working and what can be improved.

Start your social media project

From simple questions to more complex queries about your next social media project, we’re happy to chat.

For general enquiries, email hello@empower.agency

Navigating AI concerns together

A trusted social media Agency for Charities and Nonprofits

Using a trusted social media agency for your campaigns allows you to put your products, services and campaigns in front of potential supporters at the time they are making key decisions.

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