Digital audits that empower you to change the world Get clarity in how your digital activity is performing, what you can improve on, and how you make improvements. With our digital audits, you get clarity on how you are performing, confidence in what you can improve on, and the knowledge for how you make those improvements. Start your project with Empower
Digital Audit Case Studies See how our email marketing campaigns empower causes like yours. Start your project with Empower View content Analytics Audits Strategy Training Auditing and creating a digital strategy with Breast Cancer Now Read more View content Analytics Audits Social Media Strategy Social media audit & strategy gives JRF renewed confidence in power of social media to drive impact Read more View content Social Media Training Instilling digital marketing confidence in Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership Read more
“Thank you very much for everything that you’ve done for us. It’s been fabulous. I’m feeling really excited about how social media can complement what we’re doing in the media team, and I don’t think we’ve really been thinking about it like that before. I’m getting as excited about this as I do about the media work, which is really good for me because I wasn’t a social media person. And if you ever want to send any potential clients our way, so that we can persuade them to say yes to you, then do that.” Julie Hulme Head of News and Planning, Joseph Rowntree Foundation
How digital audits can benefit your organisation Busy digital teams in the charity sector often work on very low resource. After planning, delivery and maintenance of digital channels there often isn’t a chance to look back and reflect. This means missing out on valuable insights that could help us reach more people, work more efficiently and further our causes. Empower’s team of digital communications and evaluation specialists can help you gather the evidence you need to maximise results from your website, social media and email marketing. Understand your audience We can help you understand whether your audience responds to specific themes or content formats better than others, and how they behave in comparison to online audiences generally Measure your success With our advanced platform you can track your entire Return On Investment. This means we can measure success. Improve your reporting processes Our experts can help make your workflows more efficient, empowering you to report back to colleagues and funders with confidence.
A trusted Digital Agency for Charities and Nonprofits Using a trusted digital marketing audit, measurement and evaluation agency allows you to put your products and services in front of potential supporters at the time they are making key decisions. Start getting results
Empower’s Digital Audit services Work smarter not harder by using a trusted digital agency. Using Empower Agency’s proven and trusted processes, we continuously improve your digital marketing audits, measurement and evaluation. Our services can help you answer some of the following questions: Speak to the Empower team Simple Digital Audit What social media channel drives most traffic to my website? Which of my social media channels has the biggest following? How many people saw / engaged with my brand last year? Advanced Digital Audit Does my audience respond to specific themes better than others? Should I worry about the time of day, or day of the week that I post? How important is the content format, e.g. video, link, image? How do my audience behave in comparison to online audiences generally? Campaign / Project Evaluation How do make sure I am able to report to colleagues / funders where my donations/ signatures/ sign-ups came from?n How do I track how many times my hashtag is used? Campaign / Project Evaluation Custom Evaluation Consultancy How can I make my reporting workflow more efficient? Why am I seeing a lack of results in X platform? Should I be spending more time on video? What is the most important channel for my audience?
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