Facebook Ads

How nonprofits can run successful end-of-year fundraising campaigns using paid media

How nonprofits can run successful end-of-year fundraising campaigns using paid media

What digital fundraising activities should you be doing on paid media in the run-up to the end of year?  And how do you make sure that your campaigns are effective? Follow Empower’s guide to a successful end-of-year fundraising using paid media.

Meta’s fundraising tool changes: Facebook Fundraisers now charged donation payment processing fees

Meta’s fundraising tool changes: Facebook Fundraisers now charged donation payment processing fees

Meta will no longer cover fundraising fees and donations will be subject to a payment processing fee. See all the changes here.

Facebook Conversions API guide: What is it and why you should use it?

Facebook Conversions API guide: What is it and why you should use it?

What is the Facebook Conversions API and how do you install it correctly? Our Facebook Conversion API guide has everything you need!

How Facebook Ads audience targeting is changing

How Facebook Ads audience targeting is changing

A rundown of the latest Facebook Ads audience targeting changes, how the changes will impact your organisation and the ways you can adapt your campaigns.

How to fix the “Your pixel is being used on new domains” error on Facebook

How to fix the “Your pixel is being used on new domains” error on Facebook

Recently a lot of Facebook Pixels are getting a 'new domains sending data' notification. Here's how to fix it.

iOS14 and Facebook Ads: Impact summary and checklist for how to prepare

iOS14 and Facebook Ads: Impact summary and checklist for how to prepare

The impact of iOS on Facebook Ads means you need a checklist of things you need to do so you can continue advertising with little disruption.

With fundraising using Facebook Ads, the answer is in the algorithm

With fundraising using Facebook Ads, the answer is in the algorithm

Fundraising using Facebook Ads used to be all about interest targeting. But Facebook thinks their algorithm is better at finding donors than you. Here's why.

Free Facebook Tools for Charities and Nonprofits

Free Facebook Tools for Charities and Nonprofits

Facebook has a range of free tools to help charities and nonprofits drive global impact for the causes you care about. Here's a full list of them.

How to connect Facebook Lead Ads to Mailchimp without using Zapier

How to connect Facebook Lead Ads to Mailchimp without using Zapier

If you want to integrate Facebook's Lead Gen Ads directly with Mailchimp and other CRMs or email marketing software, follow these steps.

Facebook ad policy questions answered by former Facebook ad reviewer

Facebook ad policy questions answered by former Facebook ad reviewer

There are common questions when Facebook ads gets rejected by the approval process. Here are some FAQs to help get your Facebook ads approved.

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