03 July, 2015

#WalkTogether on 7/7 to remember 10th anniversary of London bombings

7 July 2005 was just another Thursday morning and Londoners were on their way to work. But at ten to nine, terrorists detonated four bombs at Kings Cross, Aldgate, Edgware Road and Tavistock Square. 52 people lost their lives and over 770 were injured.

That’s why we’re supporting #WalkTogether – a public call from a broad coalition of people and organisations, from different backgrounds and faiths, to come together in remembrance on the 10th anniversary of 7/7.


The campaign asks people to walk the last stop of their journeys on July 7th and to share an image of their walk on social media using the hashtag #WalkTogether.

Mayor of London Boris Johnson and other mayoral candidates are also backing the initiative:

 “The 7/7 attacks were an appalling act of murder and we must never forget the 52 people who died, nor how it changed the lives of many more. As we mark 10 years since that terrible day, the #WalkTogether initiative is an opportunity to reflect on how Londoners came together in the face of this callous and nihilist ideology, through a simple act of remembrance.”

 – Mayor of London, Boris Johnson

“As we #WalkTogether on Tuesday we will be afforded time to not only pause and remember those who lost their lives, but also a moment to stop and reflect on the resilience of a city whose different communities stand together, in direct defiance of the terrorists, as one.”

– London Mayoral candidate, Sadiq Khan

Sadiq has produced a short video called ‘Remembering 7/7′, in which he calls on Londoners to join him on 7 July for#WalkTogether:

The power of #WalkTogether will come from people all over Britain taking part.

You can walk at any time of day, wherever you are, with friends and colleagues or on your own.

Please show your support by sharing a picture of your walk using the #WalkTogether hashtag.

Join us and #WalkTogether.

Find out more at www.britishfuture.org/walktogether