Pinterest UK users double, with DIY, cookery and gardening most popular categories

Ben Matthews

By Ben Matthews

In Blog, Empower Life, Moments

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Pinterest UK users have doubled in the past year, with 1.6 billion items pinned from the UK.

Pinterest does not disclose how exactly how many UK users it has but they “about 3 million pins a” day in the UK.

DIY, cooking recipes and gardening were among their favourite topics, with the following percentages showing who searched for what. 52% of Uk searches on Pinterest where to do with DIY, while Recipes notched up 46% of searches.

In terms of building UK user’s own boards, 37% had a board to do with home decorations, 17% to do with holiday and 14% on planning wedding.

comScore estimates that in May 2015, Pinterest attracted 10.3 million unique visitors in the UK: 54% only visiting from a mobile device, 34% only from a computer, and 12% using both.

According to Pinterest itself, the site is driven by mobile, with 80% of its usage coming from smartphones and tablets, and Android and iPhone its lead devices for almost all new features.

This builds on Pinterest’s 2014 stats:

  • 84% of female pinners are still active in their fourth year
  • Pinterest users are 80% female and 20% male
  • 92% of all pins are made by women
  • Women account for 94% of all Pinterest activity, up from 87% in 2011
  • Over the past year, the average active female user has made 158 pins
  • The percentage of pins made by men has been consistently declining since July of 2011
  • 20% of pins fall in the Food and Drink category, 12% are DIY & Crafts, and 11% are Home Decor

In an interview with the Guardian, Pinterest founder Evan Sharp described why the site was growing in popularity in the UK:

“It’s really this great tool for discovering creative ideas and saving them for later. Does Pinterest in the UK feel like an American service ported over, or does it feel authentically British? A lot of that goes back to who do we feature, who do we connect you to when you sign up, who’s driving the tastes on our platform in Britain, and who are the sources of the stuff that people are saving and discovering?”

Buyable pins are due to launch in the US, where retailer’s products will feature blue price tags, with Pinterest users able to click or tap through to buy them using a credit card or – on iOS devices – the Apple Pay mobile payments system.

All of these stats and insight makes us think that if you’re a retailer in the UK – particularly a brand around DIY, cookery and gardening – then you should look to reinvigorate your Pinterest profile ahead of buyable pins inevitably rolling out to the UK.

Source: The Guardian, “Pinterest doubles its UK users thanks to DIY, cookery and gardening”