27 November, 2017

Museum Freelance Event: Supporting diversity with free places


Empower is committed to increasing the diversity of people working in and with the third sector.

That’s why when asked to speak at Museum Freelance in 2018, we decided to waive our speaker fee in return for offering free places to the event for people who might not be able to otherwise attend.

Here’s a little about the event…

Museum Freelance 2018 takes place on Monday 12 March 2018 at the London Canal Museum. Run by the Museum Freelance Network(@museumfreelance), speakers include:

  • Christopher Barnatt, Futurist, ExplainingTheFuture.com: Revolution, Resilience and the Museum Freelancer
  • Mike Ellis, Director, Thirty 8: Coasting: how to stop freelance from killing you
  • Elizabeth Power, Head of Learning, London Transport Museum: Freelancers: key to our team success
  • Bridget McKenzie, Director, Flow Associates: In company: Connecting and relating as a freelancer
  • Ben Matthews, Director, empower: The Valuable Freelancer: Winning clients and increasing income through providing value.

How to apply for a free place at Museum Freelance 2018

Working with Christina Lister and the other event organisers, empower is delighted to be able to offer two free places for the event.

Museums and cultural consultant Laura Crossley is also funding one space, making three free spaces available for people from diverse backgrounds and ensuring the event is more diverse than before.

The aim of these free places is to support people from a range of underrepresented backgrounds who wish to develop or explore freelancing within the museums sector. Travel expenses of up to £50 per person will also be funded by the Museum Freelance network.

Applications are open to anyone who:

  • is from a black and minority ethnic group;
  • has a disability;
  • is a carer for an ill or disabled family member;
  • is unemployed;
  • is a student.

If you would like to apply, please fill out this Google form by Monday 11 December. Successful applicants will be notified by Monday 18 December. If you would like to ask any questions about applying or the conference, please contact Christina Lister – comms@christinalister.co.uk.

Please make sure that you are available to attend the event on Monday 12 March 2018 in London before applying, and that if successful, you will notify organisers as soon as possible if you are no longer able to attend, so we can give that place to someone else.

The deadline for applications is Monday 11 December, and applications will be notified by Monday 18 December.

About Museum Freelance Event 2018: Resilient Freelancing

The programme and ticket bookings for Resilient Freelancing, the Museum Freelance Network’s second event, are now open here.

The event takes place on Monday 12 March 2018 at the London Canal Museum.

Talks include:

Revolution, Resilience and the Museum Freelancer
Christopher Barnatt, Futurist, ExplainingTheFuture.com

Coasting: how to stop freelance from killing you
Mike Ellis, Director, Thirty 8

Freelancers: key to our team success
Elizabeth Power, Head of Learning, London Transport Museum (LTM)

Lightning talks
Facilitated by Marge Ainsley, Marketing, Audience Development & Research/Evaluation freelancer

In company: Connecting and relating as a freelancer
Bridget McKenzie, Director, Flow Associates

The Valuable Freelancer: Winning clients and increasing income through providing value
Ben Matthews, Director, empower – Digital marketing for people who change the world for good

To see the full programme, details of discounted and funded tickets and to book please visit: www.buytickets.at/museumfreelance.

We hope to see you there!