9 Marketing Newsletters for Digital and Social Media News

Ben Matthews

By Ben Matthews

In Digital Marketing,

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Email newsletters are an easy and effective way to keep updated on the latest digital marketing and social media news.
Once you’ve subscribed, you get the day’s, week’s or month’s most important updates delivered straight to your inbox, without having to scour the internet yourself.

Here are our favourite marketing newsletters for keeping on top of digital and social media news.

Econsultancy’s Daily Pulse

The Daily Pulse is Econsultancy’s round up of the latest action in the world of marketing and e-commerce.

Subscribe to Econsultancy’s Daily Pulse >>

The Rabbitgram

The Rabbit Agency’s daily digest of news from the major tech and social media websites.

Subscribe to The Rabbitgram >>


Top posts from the Inbound.org content community, including useful articles and marketing tips for growing your startup.

Subscribe to Inbound >>

Growth Hackers

Top posts from the Growth Hackers content community, including useful articles and tips for growing your startup.

Subscribe to Growth Hackers Digest >>

Battenhall Monthly

Key news in the world of social media, digital and communications technology to ensure you are bang up-to-date.

Subscribe to Battenhall Monthly >>

Brilliant Reads

Brilliant Reads that the Brighton-Based agency Brilliant Noise thinks everyone will find fascinating, straight to your inbox every fortnight.

Subscribe to Brilliant Reads >>

Emarketing Essentials Weekly Updates

A summary of  alerts and advice from the last 7 days featured in the Smart Insights members Enewsletter.

Subscribe to Emarketing Essentials Weekly Updates >>

Web Curious

A regular digest of all things interesting from around the web, and now featuring the rather brilliant Web Curios from Matt Muir (@matt_muir).

Subscribe to Web Curious >>

Empower Mondays

Start the week with our very own Empower Mondays marketing newsletter: digital ideas, insights and inspiration from Empower, delivered to your inbox every Monday.

Still not enough email newsletters for you? Take a look at Happy Inbox to discover even more in areas like Design, Media, Culture, Startups and Technology.

What marketing newsletters have we missed out? Do you run digital, social or marketing newsletters? Leave you suggestions in the comments below.