20 July, 2015

Instagram Food Capitals, Facebook Shop Pages, Twitter Data Dashboard

Instagram Food Capitals

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Instagram Food Capitals: Data taken from Instagram has been analysed to find the ‘food profiles’ of the world’s cities, based on food-related hashtags posted from them, so you can see which cities like which foods most.

Ad Tech is killing the online experience: Interesting read from Felix Salmon in the Guardian on how advertising is making the mobile web almost unusable by clogging up our bandwidth, which may end up driving users to Apple News or Facebook apps.

Facebook Shop Pages: Facebook has toyed with the idea of letting people buy things from Pages before, including the ‘Buy Button’ as a test product. But Facebook has said that it will be building out shops within Facebook Pages, essentially mini e-commerce sites that give businesses a chance to set up second homes within its walls. The shops are still in the testing phase, but some already feature “buy” buttons that allow the entire shopping experience to occur within Facebook.

Twitter Launches New Data Dashboard: Twitter now gives users an at-a-glance look at all their privacy and security settings. The password-protected data dashboard, which can be accessed via your account’s main settings menu under “Your Twitter data,” includes an overview of your account history, the date of when you signed up for Twitter, and the devices and apps currently authorised to access your account.

New Google Shopping Ad Features: In a post called “Winning the shopping micro-moments”, Google announced lots of new features for its Shopping experience on mobile. Image carousel ads are now larger when interacted with on mobile, better “Where can I buy this near me?” results on mobile and the rollout of purchase opportunities through search results, whether that be through bespoke Google purchase pages or through a direct link to the retailer’s app on a user’s phone.

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