09 October, 2015

Facebook Reactions: Like, Love or Laugh at Facebook Posts

Facebook Reactions are coming!

Facebook have said that they are testing a new feature called Reactions in Spain and Ireland, which gives fans the ability to Like, Love or Laugh at Facebook Page Posts and Ads.

Reactions can be either Like, Love, Haha, Yay, Wow, Sad or Angry:

“Reactions works an extension of the Like button, designed to give people a more nuanced way to share a response to a Facebook post quickly and easily.”

Here’s a list of what Reactions means for you:

  • Metrics that include Likes in ads reports will also include Reactions. However, these won’t be broken out as individual Reactions.
  • Those who want to see a breakdown of Reactions can do so in their Page insights only.
  • Reactions are treated the same as Likes for ads delivery (for example, Loves carry no extra weight than Likes in the auction).
  • In the same way that you can’t remove a Like, you can’t remove a Reaction.

More details are yet to be announced and we wonder if Reactions will include the much talked about Dislike button.

Read Facebook’s original message about Reactions here.